Students of UNIZA,
you can register for physical education and physical education courses exclusively through the Education system, there is no need to contact the study department.
You register for physical education and physical education courses separately for winter and summer semesters
For the TV and TVS evaluation, don’t forget to click on „enroll“
Registration will take place from:
1. students who wish to be classified in TV/TVS electives – from 2.9.2024,
2. students who do not wish to be classified in TV/TVS electives – from 16.9.2024,
3. students may make changes to their TV/TVS enrollment (change sports, withdraw) in the first two weeks of the semester
Procedure for registration of the subject physical education:
1. open the UNIZA website – http://vzdelavanie.uniza.sk,
2. in the main menu select sports and physical education camps,
3. a list of all sports will open, where it says:
a. the name of the sport,
b. the day, time and place of classes,
c. name of the teacher,
4. select your sport of choice, the specific day and time and click on „sign up“,
5. if the lesson you are interested in is already full, choose another date or sport,
6. if you do not have a TV or TVS course enrolled, you will see a menu of TV and TVS courses for both terms at the beginning of the semester. If you are interested in getting a grade in these courses, mark them and click „enroll“. If not, continue to the sport selection.
7. sign up with the instructor directly in the TV class (if you do not sign up for the first two sessions, you will be dropped from the sport selection).
8. the Education system will allow you to sign up for 1 sport, you will also receive a grade in that sport (if you are interested in another sport, contact the teacher who is the sponsor of that sport).
Procedure for enrolling in a physical training camps (winter, summer):
1. open the UNIZA website – http://vzdelavanie.uniza.sk,
2. select the PE course for the semester and click on „register“,
3. if you are interested in the evaluation of the TVS course, select it according to point 6 in the previous paragraph.
4. contact the TVS supervisor.
The registration for the PE will be closed on 4.10.2024!
After this date, the Education system will be closed!
PaedDr. Robert Janikovský
„Hello, ERASMUS student.
Welcome to UNIZA. Here is some important information for you regarding the athletic stadium. If you want to use the athletic stadium, you need to pay a fee of €10 through the eMANY system. „Athletic Stadium“. ( ATLETICKÝ ŠTADIÓN UNIZA )Thanks to this, you can use the stadium throughout the academic year. The price also includes the use of the multifunctional playgrounds, which are near the athletic stadium. After payment, your ISIC card will be activated, through which you can cross the turnstile and get on the stadium.“